Why and how to get published in our DMFR Journal - meet the Editor-in-Chief
July 7, 2023
Why and how to get published in our DMFR Journal - meet the Editor-in-Chief
As a proof of our growing recognition as a relevant specialty in the field of dental medicine, the impact factor of our journal has increased last year to an alltime high of 3.525. The journal is now listed in 28th place (out of 92 journals) in the ‘Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine’ category of Web of Science and in 62nd place (out of 136 journals) in the ‘radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging’ category. In this lecture, we will discuss what scientific contributions we at DMFR are looking for, what sections and types of publications DMFR is accepting, what the best cited articles over the last 5 years were that have helped us to create impact in the field, and what basic characteristics are needed for your mansucript that will facilitate the processing and finally acceptance of your work. The following discussion and Q&A session should encourage our research community to submit your work to DMFR and join our quest to support and advance the practice of dentomaxillofacial radiology and all its subspecialties. Remember that its DMFR that is our scientific flagship, and it is the quality of this journal that will leave a lasting impression on colleagues in other specialties in medicine and dentistry.
Presented by Michael Bornstein