Paul Lambrechts
Paul Lambrechts graduated as a dentist in 1978 from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and obtained his PhD from the same university in 1983 after an in-depth study of composite properties and their impact on clinical behavior: 'Basic properties of dental composites and their impact on clinical performance'. He is currently a full-time Professor at the Department of Dentistry of KULeuven and is also Head of Department of Conservative Dentistry. He is also responsible for the Endodontics specialization course and co-responsible for the Restorative Dentistry specialization course. He is part of the BIOMAT Research cluster where research is concentrated. He teaches cariology and endodontics. 2/10 of his time is devoted to preclinical and clinical teaching of conservative dentistry. 4/10 of his time is spent as a clinician at the University Hospital in the field of aesthetic and restorative dentistry and endodontics. The other 4/10 is spent on research in endodontics, dental materials, and biomaterials. He also developed a concept of minimally invasive endodontic research on new root canal preparation and filling techniques using 3D Xray-Micro-CT scanning, Nano-CT, Cone beam CT and Environmental SEM. Guided endodontics is one of the new research challenges in the group. External cervical resorption is one of his interest foci. He is author and co-author of numerous publications together with the BIOMAT research cluster and gives scientific lectures and continuing education courses worldwide.