Online programme
Radiographic imaging of various Impacted teeth in orthodontic diagnosis and therapy
More and more people have chosen orthodontic therapy. Before the orthodontic therapy they should take different X-ray examinations, such as panoramic, cephalometric and come beam CT images. In the images we could find various impacted teeth such as maxillary central incisor, impacted canine, or transmigration teeth, impacted premolar teeth, first, second, third impacted molars, also we could see embedded teeth associated systematic diseases like cleidocranial dysplasia. Â Â Â
Dilaceration of tooth or curved teeth only occurs in maxillary impacted central incisor. According to radiographic images, we divided it into three types: 1. Horizontal Type; 2. oblique type; 3. perpendicular type. The three-type might be profit to treatment of the deformity tooth. With the imaging classification we may understand those deformity teeth in some different period so that take different treatment method.
Transmigration teeth often occur in upper or lower jaw, canine transmigration is most frequently to be seen in dental clinic. The follow teeth are second premolar and third molar or supernumerary teeth. Because of those teeth could move freely in the jaw, orthodontic traction therapy become complex and difficult. Serial X-ray imaging can help us easy to understand the teeth moving process.
Presented by Hu Wang
Role of OMF radiologists concerning the equipment standardization in radiology field
Imaging equipment is essential in the dental field. The accuracy and reproducibility of the equipment are required for appropriate treatment, therefore standardized specifications are required for equipment used in the field of imaging dentistry. In particular, as digital equipment spreads, the standardization becomes much more important. However, some equipment has been developed without standard rules in the process of changing into digital device. As a result, there are difficulties in medical treatment, research, and education using images. I would like to introduce the problems with some examples of the current imaging equipment and discuss the role of our academy in resolving the problem and suggesting how to fix it.
Presented by Heo Min-Suk