Matheus Lima de Oliveira
Matheus L. Oliveira is a full-time associate professor and researcher at the University of Campinas, Piracicaba Dental School (FOP/Unicamp) since 2015. He received his DDS degree from the Sao Paulo State University (FOAr/UNESP), and Master's, PhD and Postdoctoral degrees in Oral Radiology from FOP/Unicamp. Served as a visiting researcher at the University of California at Los Angeles in the USA, Paris Descartes Sorbonne University in France, Aarhus University in Denmark, and Kyushu University in Japan. He is the current coordinator of the postgraduate program in Oral Radiology at FOP/Unicamp and member of the scientific and educational committees of the IADMFR- International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. He acts as a reviewer for several scientific journals, has participated as an invited speaker at multiple national and international conferences, and has published more than 90 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.